lauantai 1. kesäkuuta 2019

Kivitaskuja ja kettu

English text is the bottom of post.

Viikko sitten sunnuntaina aamulla kiertelin katsomassa Viikinmäellä kivitaskuja.


Niiden määrä on tänä vuonna pienempi kuin edeltävinä vuosina. Kuvasin kivitaskuja, hemppoja, tiklejä ja pensaskerttuja (kuvista tuli melko huonoja), kun satuin näkemään ketun.

Viikinmäellä ja Pihlajistossa pesii kettuja. Useasti aamuisin metsäpoluilla kettu tulee minua ja koiraani vastaan.

Kerran näin ketun kantavan joen rannasta saalistamaansa sinisorsaa. Nämä ketut ovat saaneet olla toistaiseksi rauhassa ihmisiltä, ts. niitä ei ole ruokittu.

Ketut eivät ole siis kesytettyjä, vaan saavat vapaasti elää luonnonmukaista elämäänsä. Toivottavasti kukaan ei ala ruokkia niitä.

A week ago, on a Sunday morning, I was watching the wheatears. The number of them is now less than previous years. I shot photos of wheatears, goldfinch, linnets and  whitethroats, when I suddenly saw a fox. I've seen several times foxes in the surrounding areas. Once I saw a fox carried in its mouth Mallard near the Vantaa river. These foxes have live so far in peace – people don’t have feeding them. It is a good thing.

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21 kommenttia:

  1. Nice work in getting photos of the fox Anu. Around here they are very shy because the farmers and gamekeepers shoot them if possible.

  2. Hello, The Wheatear is a pretty bird. The fox sat and posed nicely for you! Great photos. Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your day and weekend. PS, thank you for the comment on my blog.

  3. I very much enjoyed seeing the pictures of the fox. Urban foxes are becoming quite common here and seem to coexist with people quite well. What gorgeous creatures they are.

  4. You will see beautiful series of photos.
    The fox poses nicely for you.
    Best regards, Irma

  5. ...what a beautiful fox, years ago there was a fox around here and there were no rabbits in our gardens.

  6. The fox is so beautiful! I bet it gave your heart a start to see it in the wild! WOW! Great photos!

  7. it is a beautiful fox!! nature and wide open spaces, so delightful!!!

  8. Wow ! beautiful photos of the gorgeous fox!

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. Great photos of the fox. It looks tame and friendly and pose like a model!

  10. how nice to meet the fox. I rarely see them whare I live :(

  11. upeat kuvat ja havainnot! Englannissa tuli nähtyä, kun city -ketut kulkivat niityltä puutarhoihin. Osa asukkaista ruokki kettuja.

  12. Hello all! Thank you so much for your comments.

  13. Such an enchanting place. The fox is beautiful and I also hope that it stays wild and safe.

  14. Sorry, I'm a little late to your post, but so pleased I stopped by.
    Lovely to see your fox photographs Anu.
    Happy weekend wishes.

    All the best Jan

  15. Beautiful photographs of the fox.

    All the best Jan

  16. Thanks so much for the visit and comment. Enjoy your day and weekend!

  17. What a gorgeous little critter among the interesting rocks.

    My Corner of the World


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