perjantai 21. elokuuta 2020

Hailuodon pohjoisranta - North side of Island Hailuoto


 English below

Blogissa on ollut pieni tauko. Kävin Hailuodossa. Eräänä päivänä siellä tein päiväretken Virpiniemen paikkeilta Karvon Pookille, sieltä Sunijärven taukotuvalle, ja takaisin Virpiniemelle matkalla Mäntyniemen nummeja katsellen. Kyseinen alue uskomattomine luontotyyppeineen ja -ilmiöineen on vaikuttava. En tiedä miten kirjoittaisin em. alueen monimuotoisuudesta. En tiedä mistä aloittaisin ja mihin päätyisin.


Jos vain kiinnostusta riittää ja halua tietää, tässä on linkki Ympäristöhallinnon sivulle, jossa kyseistä Natura aluetta kuvataan (sivun lopussa on lueteltuna osa lintulajeista):  Hailuoto pohjoisranta


Ohitettuamme nummilla laiduntaneet lampaat, nousin koirani Mallan kanssa hiekkadyynien päälle. Seisoimme mykistyneenä eteen avautuneen maiseman edessä. Tuulinen aava meri kohisi edessämme. Hiekkadyynien metsän puolella ei tuullut, eikä meren ääni kuulunut sinne.


Maisema muuttui radikaalisti noustuamme dyynien päälle. Laskeuduimme dyyneiltä ja lähdimme kulkemaan ihan veden rajassa tuulisessa, mutta lämpöisessä ilmassa auringon paisteessa. Maisema oli minulle tuttu.


Jo lapsena olin perheen mukana, kun menimme Oulusta veneellä Hailuotoon marjastamaan. Vene (nykyään sellaisia isoja hytillisiä kalastusveneitä kutsutaan kalastusaluksiksi) jätettiin 500 – 1000 metriä rannasta ankkuriin, koska ranta on matala. Jätimme siis moottoriveneen ja hyppäsimme soutuveneeseen. Isä souti meitä rantaan, mutta soutuvenekin jätettiin ankkuriin kauas rannasta veden mataluuden tähden. Kahlasimme maihin, kiipesimme hiekkadyynien ylitse ja painelimme kangasmetsään mustikkaan. Muistelisin, että rannalla keitettiin nokipannukahvit ja syötiin reilusti evästä. Ja, todennäköisesti me lapset polskuttelimme vedessä.


Välillä poikkesimme dyynien taakse etsimään varjoa. A couple of times we went behind the dunes to find the shadow.




Rantaa pitkin saavuin Mallan kanssa Karvon Pookille. Se on rakennettu vuonna 1858, ja se on vieläkin hienossa kunnossa. Kyseinen Pooki Wikipediassa



Pookilta kävelimme kangasmetsään. Siellä ei tuullut, aurinko paistoi ja reitti oli pelkkää hiekkaa. Kuuma patikointi kohden Sunijärveä ja sen taukotupaa.


Metsässä muutamat puut kasvoivat oudon kumpareen päällä. In the forest, a few trees grew on top of a strange mound.


Sunijärven maisema tuntuu uskomattomalta kontrastilta aavan tuulisen meren jälkeen. Meri on jotenkin arvaamaton ja ennakoimaton. Siinä on hurja voima. Melkeinpä sitä joko rakastaa tai sitten sitä pelkää. En yhtään ihmettele, että Tove Janssonin kirjoissa Muumi Pappa rakastaa merta ja seikkailuja. Meri on sellainen, että sitä, ja seikkailuja, täytyy rakastaa, jos sen selkään nousee. Mutta järvi. Järvi on tyyni ja rauhallinen, vaikka hurja meri pauhaa vain 1,5 kilometrin päässä. Järvi on rauhallinen ja levollinen. Söimme Mallan kanssa eväitä Sunijärven taukotuvan edessä. Lepäsimme hetken.

Taukotupa oli kiinni koronan takia. Nuotiota ei saanut sytyttää metsäpalovaroituksen takia. The opean wilderness hut was closed because the covid-virus. The fire was forbidden due to a fire warning.



Patikointireitti kulkee metsässä vanhaa kärrytietä, jota on ajettu autoilla niin paljon, että kangas sen ympärillä on itsessään kadonnut ja tiet, sekä teiden ympäristöt, ovat muuttuneet hiekkakentäksi (Moottoriajoneuvoilla ajaminen Natura alueella on kiellettyä)




Kuumassa hiekassa käveleminen otti Mallalle voimille. Jouduin kantamaankin sitä. Mallan kävely alkoi taas sujua, kun pääsimme maastoon, jossa hiekkaa ei enää ollut niin paljon.


Horisontissa taustalla ovat hiekkadyynit. Meri avautuu niiden takana.

There are sand dunes on the horizon. Behind them is the sea.


Virpiniemestä meidät haettiin autolla. Mallan ja minun päiväretki kesti yli kuusi tuntia. Kaikkinensa kävelyä oli arviolta noin 10 kilometriä. Kävelimme hitaasti ja katselimme lintujakin. Niistä toisella kertaa.



Hello. There's been a little break from the blog. I’ve been in island Hailuoto. Island Hailuoto is about 700 km to the north from the capital Helsinki. It is a big island. There are more than 900 inhabitants. Some knowledge about Hailuoto in Wikipedia

On day in Hailuoto I went on day hiking on north side of island. The area in question, with its incredible natural habitats and phenomena, is impressive. It is a Natura 2000 Nature reserve area.

 After passing the sheep grazing on the heaths, I went up with my dog Malla on the sand dunes.

We were standing in front of the amazing sea scene.  The windy, open sea. There was no wind on the forest side of the sand dunes, and I didn’t hear the sound of the sea there. The scene changed radically when we went on top of the dunes. We landed from the dunes and we started to walk at the edge of the water in windy but warm air in the sun's sunshine. I was familiar with that place and scene.

 When I was a child I was with my family when we went from Oulu City by my father’s fishing boat to Hailuoto to pick berries. The boat (such large-cabin fishing boats are now called to as fishing vessels) was left 500 – 1000 meters from the beach to the anchor, because the beach is shallow. So we left the motorboat and jumped on a rowboat. Dad rowed us towards the shore, but even a rowboat was left in the anchor far from the shore for the low of water. We waded to ashore, we climbed over the sand dunes and we went into the forest of blueberry. I would remember that the coffee was cooked on the beach and eaten a lot of lunch. And, most likely, we kids were splashing in the water.


Now let’s go back to my hiking day.

Along the beach I arrived with my dog Malla to Pooki, Karvo beacon tower. The tower was built in 1858 and it is still in great shape. More knowledge about that beacon tower in Wikipedia.

Form beacon tower we walked to the forest. There was no wind, the sun was shining and the hiking route was just sand. So, it was a hot hiking towards lake Sunijärvi.

Lake Sunijärvi scene feels incredible contrast after the open windy sea. The sea is somehow unpredictable. The sea has a ferocious power. You almost love it or you're afraid of it. I'm not surprised that Moomin Pappa loves the sea and adventures in Tove Jansson's books. The sea is such that it, and adventures, must be loved if you go to the sea. But the lake. The lake is peaceful, although the ferocious sea roars only 1.5 km away. The lake is peaceful and beautiful.

I ate bread, chocolate and had coffee. We've been resting for a while.

Hiking trail runs through the forest along the old track, that has been driven by cars so much that old track, as well as it environments, have turned into a sand (Driving motor vehicles in a Natura 2000 area is prohibited!). We hiked back to the starting point of the hiking trip. 

Our hiking took more than six hours. The length of the hike was about 10 kilometers. We walked slowly and looked also at the birds. About birds I write some other time.

 Linking to Saturday's Critters




32 kommenttia:

  1. Hi Anu,
    Beautiful pictures of your walk.
    You have a beautiful dog.
    I have been to Finland once in the far north (Lapland the city of Levi) we were in February and I loved it with all the snow.
    Unfortunately we did not see the northern lights where we actually went for.
    Best regards Irma

    1. Hello Irma.
      Thank you for your comment. It's nice to read that you've been to Finland.
      I like Lapland. It's beautiful out there.
      Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Hello Anu,
    I am glad to see you back, it looks like you had a wonderful trip. Your dog is beautiful. Love the scenery and photos. Take care, enjoy your day! Wishing you a happy weekend!

  3. Hailuoto on mahtava paikka. Kävitkö lintutorneilla?

    1. Hei Anne. Tällä kertaa en käynyt lintutorneilla.

  4. Wau. Ei ihme, että Malla väsyi. Onneksi oli ihana emäntä :-)

  5. Nice blog post.

    Best regards

  6. Hello, Anu,

    Sounds like you had a wonderful time with Malla. I love the photos of Malla in front of the tower. Nice memories of your Dad. Great hike, the beach and water photos are beautiful. I love the forest and cabin. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Enjoy your day, have a great weekend. PS, thanks for visiting my blog and for the comment.

  7. Thanks for the lovely post today Anu. I can see why the area has such a long and diverse bird list. Truly something for everyone. Best wishes to you and gorgeous Malla.

  8. Looks like you had a wonderful break from your normal routine and visited a fabulous place. Lots of fresh air, exercise and wildlife. What could be better?

  9. Thanks for sharing info and views of Hailuoto.
    All the best for yoir weekend!

  10. ...Anu, what a beautiful area. I love lighthouses and this one is so unlike the ones that I see here.

  11. Pretty scenic photos!
    Beautiful dog!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  12. What a beautiful landscape Hailuoto has. I love the lighthouse, it is unique. I have never seen one like this before. Thanks for sharing your trip, I enjoyed it.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  13. What a beautiful place and wonderful hike ~ you are so blessed to have Mala ~ I miss my sweet doggie companion ~ Hugs to you both ^_^

    Live each moment with love,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  14. That's an impressively long hike. My foot would have given out about four hours before you were done! Your beautiful Malla looks as though she was enjoying it. I loved seeing that gorgeous blue ocean.

  15. malla is such an adorable little companion. i am assuming the karvo beacon tower is similar to our lighthouse?!

  16. Hello Ann :)) That was a wonderful trip you shared! I love those long walks and hikes. Your area looks beautiful and Malla is so adorable! How does she stay that white?? :)

  17. Voi taivas, mitkä merimaisemat! Tuonnekkin haluaisin :)
    Ihan reissukaveri Sinulla, suloinen Malla!

  18. Beautiful outlook on everything are nature, fabulous.

  19. wow, that is quite a trip. What a wonderful place to spend a day hiking. Just sad the break rooms was closed. Corona changes a lot nowadays. But it is a place well worth a visit I believe.

  20. What a beautiful area. It sounds like a wonderful walk. Malla looks like a great companion - very pretty - even if the walk was hard for her.

  21. What a lovely tour you took us on!
    Your dog is so cute.
    Thanks for visiting my blog!

  22. I would really like this walk .. to be near the ocean and a lake both is the best ! Both wonderful although so different. I will send the link to our grandson and his wife although they may already know about it. You (and they) live in such a beautiful country ... I wish we could visit them! (No travel nowadays due to Covid of course.)

    1. Hello Sallie.
      It would be great if you could travel to Finland. Finland is a beautiful country.
      If you were to come here in the Helsinki metropolitan area, maybe also we could meet? That would be great!

      Thanks for linking to my blog, maybe your grandson or his wife will visit my blog.

      Take care!

  23. Hello all.
    Thank you for your lovely comments.

    Kiitos kaikille ihanista kommenteista.

  24. It was exciting and refreshing to walk with you and share in your memories of past visits. I could smell the salt air, feel the breeze and the heat and stillness of the forest. Thank you!

  25. Such a lovely post with beautiful photographs.

    All the best Jan

  26. Thank you for your lovely comments.

  27. Thank you for your comment on my blog. Loved going with you on your trip through your wonderful photographs and writing. Beautiful dog.


Kiitos, kun kommentoit! Thank you for your comments.
(Please, do not write links in your comment)