lauantai 10. lokakuuta 2020

Muutamia kuvia - Just some photos

 28.9. 2020 Viikki, Helsinki.


Tukkasotka/Tufted Duck

Laulujoutsen/Whooper Swan

Lietteellä enimmäkseen töyhtöhyyppiä/In the sand mostly Northern Lapwings

Valkoposkihanhia/Barnacle Goose

Linking to Saturday's Critters

23 kommenttia:

  1. All those Barnacles! Impressive. Are those first ducks telling us what they think of our rainy weather? Have a good weekend Anu.

  2. Hi Anu,
    What beautiful pictures.
    I have never seen so many barnacle geese together.
    I think the first picture is very funny.
    Have a nice weekend and stay healthy.
    Greetings Irma

  3. Hello, Anu
    I had to fix a new linky for my party, it is working now.
    I love seeing all your waterfowl. The Barnacle Geese are a great sight to see. I like the cute bottoms up photo. The swans and geese are beautiful. Wonderful photos. Take care, enjoy your day! Happy weekend!

  4. Hi Anu, the first one is awesome :)) Great images !

  5. Great birds! We saw some of them when we were in Norway, but may not get another chance, the way the world is proceeding these days. Thanks for posting them.

    be well... mae at

  6. These geese are beautiful and how neat to see so many. Love that first photo too! Happy weekend!

  7. bottoms up, so funny!! beautiful captures and a great contribution for the critter party!!!

  8. What wonderful wild bird scenes. To see so many Barnacle Goose is fabulous!
    Have a good weekend, Elke

  9. Hanhia on nyt paljon;-) Oletko nähnyt mitään erikoisia hanhia?

    1. Hei Anne. Valitettavasti en ole nähnyt mitään erikoisempia hanhia. Olen aika vähän käynyt hanhipelloilla tänä syksynä. Olisi kyllä mukava nähdä valkkareiden joukossa joku punakaulahanhi yllätyksenä :)

  10. Mahtavat lintukuvat! Mekin näimme tänään ison hanhiparven moottoritien varren pellolla ohi ajaessamme, osa pellolla, osa siinä yläpuolella ilmassa. Ehkä valkoposkia nekin.

  11. Wow they are nice!And so many geese!i like all your photoes!

    Happy weekend!

  12. ...I always enjoy seeing "bottoms up," you sure found a lot of Barnacle Geese!

  13. Lovely! Except for differences in color markings, the barnacle goose reminds me of the Canada goose which are plentiful in my part of the world.

  14. Lovely photos of our feathered friends ^_^

    Live each moment with love,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  15. My goodness, that is a lot of geese. Great series!

  16. Great photos!
    Have a wonderful week!

  17. Great photos! I love the butts up in the air lol! :)

  18. beautiful. All geese and ducks preparing to go south :)

  19. Jo on hanhia! Istuin tässä ihan sohvalla yksi päivä viime viikolla kun näin ison kurkiparven ensin taivaalla, sen jälkeen hanhia! Joskus bongailu voi olla vähän liiankin helppoa!

  20. Kiitos kaikille vierailuista ja kommenteista.

    Hello all! Thank you for your visits and comments.

  21. Lovely photographs you've shared.

    All the best Jan


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