lauantai 30. huhtikuuta 2022

Vielä on hiljaista - It's still quiet


Hyönteissyöjiä ei ole juuri tullut vielä. Järvet ja suot ovat melko jäisiä yhä.

Kiersin Salpausselän suokierroksen. Hieno aamu, mutta muuttolinnut puuttuivat maisemasta.

Insectivores have hardly come yet. The lakes and swamps are still quite icy. One morning I walked marked trails in the marshes. Great morning, but the migratory birds were missing from the landscape.




Eräänä aamuna kävelin Okeroisten peltoja katselemassa. Ei juuri muuttolintuja sielläkään.

One morning I was walking around the fields of Okeroinen. Not much migratory birds there either.

Pikkuvarpunen/Tree Sparrow



Sepelkyyhky/Common Wood pigeon




Alla olevassa kuvassa on mielestäni laulurastas, mutta jos se on mustarastas, niin kertokaa.

I think there is a Song thrush in the picture below, but if it’s a blackbird, let me know.


Linking to Saturday's Critters


13 kommenttia:

  1. What beautiful pictures.
    There is still snow there, is that normal for this time of year??
    The last photo is the song thrush so no blackbird.
    Greetings Irma

  2. Hello Anu,
    The outing looks fun, the trail looks interesting. Nice variety of bird sightings. I love the pretty Yellowhammer. Beautiful photos.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  3. Definitely a Song Thrush there Anu

  4. The trail looks like a nice place to walk among nature. Nice bird sightings and beautiful photography. Enjoy the weekend.

  5. Meillä Hämeenlinnassa västäräkkejä on jo melkein ruuhkaksi asti. Tulevat varmaan viimeistään huomenna teillekin 👍.

  6. Ihana alue! Viimeinen lintu on laulurastas. Mustarastas on tummempi tai musta. Kulorastas on hiukan samanlainen kuin laulurastas, mutta pilkut ova pyöreämmät.

  7. ...I like the little sparrow in the snow!

  8. Cute little birds!
    Have a blessed day!

  9. Lovely photography of our feathered friends ~ I love the little and big common birds ~ looks like Winter is still there ~

    Wishing you love and laughter in your days ~

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. That sparrow in the snow is especially beautiful. You've seen some lovely birds. That (possible) song thrush looks like one I'm trying to identify too. I'll try to post it later this week -- maybe one of our birder friends will know for sure!

  11. It is probably a Laulurastas. They sing so beautifully!


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