
lauantai 28. maaliskuuta 2020

Merihanhi - Greylag goose

English below

Kuvasin nämä merihanhet (Anser anser) eilen Viikissä. Merihanhet ovat kauniita hanhia.

Useat blogistit ympäri maailmaa ovat kirjoittaneet ihanasti blogeissaan, ja minullekin jätetyissä kommenteissa, että linnut eivät tiedä mitään koronaviruksesta. Linnut jatkavat elämäänsä, ne laulavat ja ovat kauniita. Minä sanon sitä samaa. Katsellaan lintuja ja kävellään luonnossa.

Pitäkää hyvää huolta itsestänne. Minä olen kunnossa.

I took these photos of Greylag goose yesterday morning in the field of Viikki, Helsinki. Greaylag geese is very beautiful geese.

Many bloggers around the world have written so beautifully in their blogs that the birds know nothing about the corona virus. Birds live their lives, they sing and are beautiful. I am saying the same thing. Let’s watch the birds and walk in the nature.

Take very good care of yourselves. (I’m fine.)

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27 kommenttia:

  1. Hello, I am happy to be able to go out near places and watch the birds. Nature is always great to see! Your photos of the Geese are beautiful. Great captures. Take care and stay well! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Enjoy your day, happy weekend! PS, thanks for the visit and comment.

  2. Birds are lucky...they can always fly. How nice!

  3. Beautiful geese photos of this species!
    I wish you all the best and stay healthy, Elke

  4. Whenever I see Greylag Goose I am reminded of the work done by Konrad Lorenz with this species, and how imprinting was confirmed. I always enjoy seeing them too when ai visit Europe.

  5. We have also such goose in the Netherlands. Nice photos. Greetings Caroline

  6. The Greylag is very neglected by bird watchers but I don't know why. It is a very distinctive and interesting bird that is so characterful.

  7. ...nature doesn't seem to have received the news of this virus, that lucky! Take care and stay healthy.

  8. Ihania kuvia!
    Merihanhia näen harvoin, sillä tänne meille Sisä-Suomeen ne eivät saavu. Kauniita ovat, uljaita lintuja!

  9. I feel the same way...let's get out in nature when we can! It's refreshing! Stay safe and healthy! Love your beautiful photos of the geese!

  10. Beautiful series of photos of the geese.
    Take care of yourself and stay healthy.
    Best regards Irma

  11. Beautiful Greylag Geese photos, thanks Anu.

  12. Here also the migratory birds have started flying over us on our way north to start the breeding season :-)) Spring is on its way even if it is snowing outside!

  13. what a beautiful goose, i see them here in new jersey!!! appreciating nature, and all it has to offer, the birds especially, will help us find joy in this very difficult time.

    stay safe, be well and enjoy your sunday!!!

  14. Beautiful photos of the lovely geese ~

    Be Well,
    A ShutterBug Explores

  15. I get the feeling that some of the wildlife know something is up because there are so many more people out than usual and in the zoos the animals are said to be reacting to the lack of visitors.

  16. They are so pretty! And your photos of them gives me a feeling of serenity!

    Thanks for stopping by to add your link today & share with us birders at I'd Rather B Birdin!

  17. Thank you for visiting my blog! Beautiful captures of these geese. Smiled at your mention that the birds know nothing of the virus. So true, most of the hype and fear about the virus is man-made! Just read that in Orange County (part of the Los Angeles suburbs), are only 256 cases and 1 (one) death! Time to resume the life and nature God has given us:) enjoy your weekend!

  18. We have these geese here too. Google translated the latin name as "Geese Goose." Well, it is repetitive.

  19. they are at my place too in farily large number. But still a bit lower then "normal"

  20. Fabulous photographs and I like your words 'Let's watch the birds and walk in the nature.'

    Stay safe and well.

    All the best Jan

  21. You are right about the birds. Our love of nature will keep us sane!

  22. Kiitos kaikille kommenteista!

    Hello all! Thank you so much for your comments.

  23. Too bad I feel the same here, all people are suddenly there where there were hardly any other people. Too much is overflowing in the remote places.
    Thanks for the photos they are still interesting to watch
    I wish you all the best and stay healthy
    Greetings Elke


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