lauantai 16. heinäkuuta 2022

Lovely Malla


En ole pitkään aikaan kirjoittanut koirastani Mallasta. Muutama päivä sitten Malla täytti 10 vuotta.

I haven't written about my dog Malla in a long time. A few days ago, Malla turned 10 years old.


Ennen kuin jatkan kertomista Mallasta, yksi kuva fasaanista, jonka kuvasin ikkunan lävitse.

Before I continue talking about Malla, one photo of a pheasant that I took through the window.


Vuosien saatossa Mallalta on leikattu polvet molemmista takajaloista. Sillä on lisäksi kuluma lonkassa. Yhdessä nämä aiheuttavat Mallalle kipuja, eikä se enää jaksa kävellä kuten nuorempana.

Over the years, Malla has undergone knee surgeries on both hind legs. These cause Malla pain, and she can no longer walk like she did when she was younger.



Malla sokeutui kevään ja alkukesän aikana. Verkkokalvon rappeuma. Malla kompensoi puuttuvaa näkökykyä haju- ja kuuloaisteillaan niin loistavasti, että ihmiset eivät edes huomaa sen olevan sokea.

Malla went blind during this spring and early summer. Macular degeneration. Malla compensates for the lack of sight with its sense of smell and hearing so brilliantly that people don't even notice it is blind.


Vasta-aloitettu uusi kipulääke aiheutti Mallalle ihoreaktion tassunpohjiin. Hailuodossa käy noin kerran viikossa läänineläinlääkäri lähinnä tuotantoeläimiin liittyen. Hän katsoi Hailuodossa käydessään myös Mallan tassut ja ohjeisti hoidon sekä antoi lääkettä. Olen Mallan tassuja viime viikot hoitanut. Kuvassa Mallalla on minun sukat jaloissa, jotta se ei pääse nuolemaan tassunpohjiaan.

The newly started new pain medication caused Malla a skin reaction on the soles of her paws. Island Hailuoto is visited by a county veterinarian about once a week, mostly related to production animals. When she visited Island Hailuoto, she also looked at Malla's paws and instructed the treatment and gave medicine. I have been taking care of Malla's paws for the past few weeks. In the photo, I have put my socks on Malla's feet so that she can't lick the bottoms of her paws.


Malla nauttii elämästä. Kipulääkkeillä kivut saa pois ja Malla on oma super ihana itsenä. Alla olevissa kuvissa Malla yrittää napata sääsken.

Malla enjoys life. Painkillers take the pain away and Malla is her own super lovely self. In the photos below, Malla tries to catch a mosquito.

Kaikki kuvat on otettu Hailuodossa.

All photos were taken on Hailuoto island.

Linking to Saturday's Critters

13 kommenttia:

  1. What beautiful pictures of Malla.
    I hope she can stay with you for a long time.
    Greetings Irma

  2. Hello,
    Malla is a sweetie, adorable photos. She does look like she enjoys life. Cool sighting of the Pheasant, great photo. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  3. We had a dog long ago, and she lived to be almost 18 years old. I hope your sweet pet manages a long life also.

    Best… mae at

  4. Lovely pics of Malla! Hope the painkillers help. The mosquito catching photos are fun!

  5. ...Malla looks fabulous at 10! I hope that the two of you have many more happy year together.

  6. What a gorgeous dog. I am sure she is a wonderful companion.

  7. Poor Malla. But she's still a beautiful dog.

  8. Hello, :=) I loved all the photographs of Malla, she is a beautiful dog, and I hope she enjoys many more years with you. The Pheasant was a great sighting.

    Take care and have a happy Sunday.:=)

  9. Beautiful photos of Mala ~ and what a brave doggie she is and so blessed to have you for an owner ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. I can see from the photos that your sweet Mala is still enjoying her life. I'm glad you are taking such good care of her and that you found a Veterinarian who could help her.


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