lauantai 24. elokuuta 2024

Nuoria lintuja - Young birds


Noin kilometrin päässä kotoani on hulevesiallas. Se on siis matala keinotekoinen lampi. Siinä ei ole pesinyt vesilintuja – vakituisia sinisorsia lukuunottamatta.


There is a stormwater basin about a kilometer from my home. So it is a shallow artificial pond. No waterfowl have nested in it - apart from the regular mallards.


Pari viikkoa sitten lammelle oli tullut kaksi nuorta lintua. Nuorten lintujen tunnistaminen on usein vaikeaa. Toinen on nuori telkkä. Toista en ole tunnistanut.

A couple of weeks ago, two young birds had come to the pond. Identifying young birds is often difficult. The other is a young Goldeneye. I haven't identified the other one.

Nuori telkkä/ Young Goldeneye


Linking to

Saturday's Critters 

18 kommenttia:

  1. Couldn't find the Translation Button... but I enjoyed your scenes on the water with the ducks. It's lovely.

  2. Beautiful series of photos.
    The young Goldeneye is great to see.
    I wish you a good weekend.
    Greetings Irma

  3. I cannot identify the other, but they are always nice to see.
    Happy weekend!

  4. Hello,
    Looks like a nice habitat for the ducks, a pretty place.
    The young Goldeneye is a cute duck. Great photos Anu!
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  5. Näyttää vähän naaras punasotkalle, mutta en tiedä. Kokeilitko hakea google lenssillä? Nappaa kuvasta oikealla hiiren painikkeella ja hae kuvaa google lens.

    1. En ole kokeillut google lensiä. Linnun silmän vaalea rengas voisi ehkä toimia identifioimisen yksityiskohtana, mutta olen parissa vuodessa unohtanut, millä linnulla voisi olla syksyllä vaalea rengas silmän ympärillä... Punasotka hyvä. Eräs ystäväni ehdotti nuorta lapasotkaa. Vaikea on.

  6. How beautiful and a great place for water birds. I hope more find it and use it for a good water source. Beautiful peaceful photos!

  7. What a pleasant place! Golden in my eyes

  8. Hello :)
    Identifying birds is hard you are right, but with time and experience you will be able to know each bird on sight. The Golden eye is a lovely water bird, and it's a very pleasant place for them to nest. Lovely photos! :)
    All the best

  9. This year’s young are next year’s breeders. Hope for the future.

  10. ...Anu, thanks for sharing your green world!

  11. A beautiful place for the water birds to call home.

  12. Moi Anu, the pond looks pretty - wonderful that it also attracts water birds! My identification app says that both are Bucephala clangula / Goldeneyes.
    All the best from Austria, Traude

  13. You know some birds take advantage of any random piece of water. Your birds are beautiful.

  14. They look very comfortable in the surroundings. Nice photos.

  15. How wonderful to discover new birds on the pond. The tall grass should eventually invite more birds.

  16. Great nature shots ~ love the ducks ~ ^_^

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  17. Thank you for your comments.


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