lauantai 6. heinäkuuta 2024

Muutama vuosi - A couple of years



Edellisestä postauksesta on jo pari vuotta kulunut. Minulla on sairauksia ja nämä viime vuodet olen ollut hieman huonommassa kunnossa. En ole kovin usein käynyt lintuilemassa. Uusia valokuvia linnuista ei ole.

Olen käynyt lävitse vanhoja valokuvia. Postaan tällä kertaa tähän parin vuoden takaisia Hailuoto-kuvia.


It's been a couple of years since the last post. I have illnesses and these last few years I have been in a slightly worse condition. I haven't been birding very often. There are no new photos of the birds. I've been looking at old photos. I am now posting Hailuoto photos from a couple of years ago.


Laulujoutsen/Whooper Swan

Närhi/Eurasian Jay

Punatulkku/Eurasian Bullfinch


Linking to

Saturday Critter 

18 kommenttia:

  1. Beautiful photos!
    Godspeed recovery!

  2. Very nice photographs! Thanks for sharing with all of us.

  3. Hello Anu, so sorry to hear about your illnesses. I do hope you get well and resume your birdwatching.
    I wish you all the best! 👋😊

  4. Nämä ovat kauniita kuvia.
    Toivon sinulle hyvää paranemista ja mukavaa viikonloppua.
    Terveisin Irma

  5. It's good to see you back Anu. I am sorry that you have not been well. The summer is here to make you stronger.

  6. Hailuoto on upea paikka. On tehnyt mieli käydä siellä pitkästä aikaa. Sairastaminen on rankkaa! Ensi oireiden ja sairauden nimen jälkeen on ihan paniikissa, mutta kun aikaa menee ja tottuu "oireisiin" Elämä jatkuu eteenpäin. Itselläni tulee jatkuvasti jotakin lisää. Koitan touhuta koko ajan jotakin, että en ajattele oloani. Nyt aloitin uudestaan lenkkeilyn, se tuntuu hyvältä. Paikat vaan tulee ensin kipeäksi, mutta tiedän mistä ne tulee. Tsemppiä paljon Anu!

  7. Hello Anu,
    Welcome back, I hope you are feeling better. Sending healing prayers and good wishes for a speedy recovery. I enjoyed your photos, especially the birds. I would love to see the Eurasian Jay and the Bullfinch, beautiful birds and photos.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a wonderful weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment!

  8. ...Anu, I'm sorry to hear of your health issues, I hope that you are doing better. Your beautiful nature images beautiful and I hope that they soothe your soul. Take care and be well.

  9. I'm so sorry you've been unwell. We've missed you and your beautiful photos!

  10. Lovely series of photos ~ Wow! ~
    Sending you lots of healing energy hugs ~ be well ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days ~
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. Beautiful photos. Sorry to hear about your health and I hope you are recovering. Nice to see you back here, take care.

  12. Wishing you good health so you can be out and about capturing beautiful photos like the ones you shared in this post.

  13. Sorry to hear that you have been ill, Anu, and it’s very good to see you back with us. I hope that your health has improved and that you will be posting often. Welcome back! All the best - David

  14. Welcome back! Sorry to hear about your health. Glad you're sharing some great old birding photos. Love to see the Whooper Swan and Eurasian Jay!

  15. These are wonderful pictures - I hope that your post is a gateway to a time of better health.

    Cheers Stewart M - Pukorokoro, NZ

  16. Hello.
    Thank you all for the lovely comments. They mean a lot to me.


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