
lauantai 28. tammikuuta 2017

Hiisijärven hiekat

English text is the bottom of Finnish text.

Ristijärvellä, Kainuussa, on mielenkiintoinen paikka nimeltään Hiisijärvi.

Kiintoisaksi paikan tekee se, että järvi humpsahti pieneksi yli 250 vuotta sitten. Hiisijärven pintaa oli alettu laskea vuonna 1746 kaivamalla järven päähän laskuoja.

Keväällä 1761 koko järvi karkasi. Vesimassat ryöstäytyivät ja jättivät jälkeensä paljastuneelle kuivalle maalle kalat ja muut veden elävät. Veden pinta laski 14 metriä. Veden karkaamisen myötä paljastui 9800 hehtaaria maata.

Entinen järvenpohja on hiekkaista maata, eikä hiekka vaikuta ihan tavalliselta, vaan se on erittäin hienoa hiekkaa. Näitä hiekkarantoja jopa kutsutaan Kainuun Rivieraksi.

Hiisijärven tapahtumat Wikipediassa.

There is in Ristijärvi (belong to the region of Kainuu. Wikipedia) an interesting place called Hiisijärvi (Hiisijärvi in English: Lake of Goblin). It is an interesting place, because the water ran away from the lake over 250 years ago. In year 1746 the farmers dug a small ditch. Their purpose was to lower the level of the lake. 

The farmers were not aware of that the water flow caused ridge erosion. Suddenly in the spring 1761 almost all of the water ran away from that lake. This disaster lowering 14 meters the level of the lake Hiisijärvi. In this big disaster no one died. Flowing water destroyed many buildings, one mill and one tar-making place.

Under the water revealed 9800 hectares of new land. The former lake bottom is sandy land and it is very fine sand. These sandy beaches even called Kainuu Riviera. Unfortunately I couldn’t find the English language pages of this disaster. 

Photos of Greenfinch and my dog Malla for Saturday's Critters 

25 kommenttia:

  1. Lovely landscape! And Malla is cute :)

  2. Hello, interesting to read what happened with the water levels. I like the cute birds and the sweet dog. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy day and weekend!

  3. Ompa järvellä melkoinen historia!

  4. Mielenkiintoinen paikka. Hyvää viikonloppua!

  5. Erikoinen tapahtuma. Eikä maata voi edes viljellä.

  6. Dont mess with nature! One day I am going to be able to visit this part of the world!

    Sorry about slow reply - I have been in New Zealand and blogging has taken a bit of a back seat.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

    1. Hello Stewart. Thank you for your comment. Here in North of Europe (and Finland) the Nature are still clear and beautiful. There are a lot of wilderness to hiking and a lot of birds to see :)

  7. such a nice place and gorgeous photos of the birds. :)

  8. Interesting post..thanks for sharing..Cute puppy..

  9. Such an interesting story about the draining of the lake, and nice photo of the greenfinch.

  10. Sad story about the lake. I like your photos!

  11. Nice boardwalk and nice photos! This looks like an inviting place to take a walk.

  12. kiintoisa paikka! Ja hienot kuvat!


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